The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is the central repository for validated trademarks for the purpose of protecting brands in Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) new Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) program.

The Trademark Database (TMDB) is the central database of validated brands with the services to registries and Registrars about their validated marks. There is only one TMDB in the Trademark Clearinghouse Global System that concentrates the information about the “verified” Trademark records from the different TMCH Validation systems and organizations.

In the context of the projects’ infrastructure being hosted on a legacy Data Center that was going to be decommissioned (old infrastructure), our team identified the need for migrating the infrastructure. During the analysis phase, we identified that migrating to the Cloud will ensure higher scalability, availability and security all while reducing the costs.

We developed a strategy for migrating the projects infrastructure to the Cloud and received approval to start the cloud migration journey.


Complex projects’ infrastructure including IP-based access and LDAP service

  • Live DB data migration
  • Important DB size (approx. 150 GB)
  • Migrating the DBs from one type to another (DB2 to POSTGRES)
  • Migrating the files from Samba file storage to a cloud ObjectStorage to the DB
  • Migrating a complex web application to Cloud Foundry.
  • Minimal downtime — 2h

The team has proven their technical expertise, successfully completing the migration in 6 months and ever since continuously monitoring and supporting both projects.


  • Ensured infrastructure offers higher scalability, availability and security
  • Reduced the monthly costs spent on infrastructure and support by half
  • No impact on functionality.
  • No data loss.

Stay tuned! In a future post we’ll provide you with a TCO comparison for running the infrastructure on-premise versus migrating it in the cloud.

Are you looking at infrastructure migration, on-premise to one or more cloud solutions, cloud to cloud migration or application migration?

Orchestration, integration and optimization are the key ingredients that we use to ensuring that your cloud journey reaches its destination bringing enhanced efficiency and productivity while being secure, available and scalable.

Let’s get in touch!